
0557 HRM in Project-Oriented Organizations
ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Martina Huemann
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/18/24 to 09/19/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Wednesday 10/09/24 10:00 AM - 02:30 PM Online-Einheit
Thursday 10/10/24 10:00 AM - 02:30 PM Online-Einheit
Monday 10/14/24 10:00 AM - 02:30 PM Online-Einheit
Monday 10/21/24 10:00 AM - 02:30 PM Online-Einheit
Monday 11/04/24 10:00 AM - 02:30 PM Online-Einheit

The course is a combination of online sessions in MS Teams and assignments that students carry out between sessions. The course introduces students to project management and project-oriented organisations. Students learn basic concepts, principles of project management and project management methods. The course teaches project management basics as well as the special features of project-oriented organisations. In particular, we reflect on how human resource management can support project orientation in organisations. By analysing project management standards, students gain insights into project management practice. The course enables students to reflect on the benefits and limitations of project management and project orientation and their consequences for HRM.

Learning outcomes
  • Understanding of projects as temporary organisations developed.
  • Core project management methods were applied, and the most project management standards are known.
  • The concept of the project-oriented organisation and practical examples were reflected.
  • Specifics of human resource management in project-oriented organisations and examples from practice were reflected.


Attendance requirements

Um die Lehrveranstaltung abschließen zu können, ist eine Anwesenheit von mindestens 80 % notwendig. Bitte geben sie der Vortragenden vorab Bescheid, wenn sie an einer Session ganz oder teilweise nicht teilnehmen können.

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • We use 2 tools
    • CANVAS for resources, discussions, submissions, assessments
    • MS Teams for online sessions
  • MS Teams
    • We establish a virtual group (classroom) in MS Teams
    • Please add a profile photo of yourself in MS Teams and use your camera whenever possible.
    • For the first session, please dial in to MS Teams 15 minutes before the start
    • Only use the mail address that is used in CANVAS, this is also how you are registered in MS Teams for the course.
    • Turn off your microphone whne you listen to reduce background notices.
  • How to ask questions in online sessions
    • After a few slides, I pause and give time for questions.
    • Use the chat to ask questions during the presentation.
    • There is Q&A after each input.
  • Group work
    • The 5 groups are divided with max. 6 students.
    • For group works, we established channels in our MS Teams group.
    • Group work also takes place during the online sessions.
    • For group work, the duration is clearly communicated, please be back from group work on time.
    • Each group announces a group speaker. The group speaker communicates when the group is back from group work.
    • The group speakers communicate when the entire group has returned.
  • Discussions 
    • Between sessions, I post question in the “Discussions” on CANVAS (with collaboration points).
  • Attendance
    • An attendance of 80% is required to complete the course successfully.
    • Please inform us in advance if you are unable to attend all or a part of a session (Email to and cc
    • The online session with the lecturer is followed by 1 – 1.30 hours in which the students should work on their assignments.
  • We have different competencies in online working and MS Teams
    • We have patience with others and with ourselves
    • We support each other.
    • First name-calling ok?
Aufgabe Punkte
1) Projektarbeit 5
2) Projektabgrenzung, Stakeholder-Analyse 10
3) Betrachtungsobjekte, Projektziele 5
4) PM Standards 15
5) Projektstrukturplan, Terminplanung 15
6) Auswahl Fallstudienunternehmen 5
7) Analyse Fallstudienunternehmen 15
8) Reflexionspaper (individuelle Arbeit) 20
9) Mitarbeit 10


Is the use of AI-based software for your course/exam an (un)authorized aid?
* Allowed is the use of AI-based software for writing support, such as Grammarly. However, it is mandatory to indicate the use of any AI-based software in your written work.
* If you use AI-based software for text and content generation such as ChatGPT in your reports, presentations, or any other written text, it is mandatory to 1) verify the information generated and 2) add all relevant references for the text, data, and AI-based software.
*During in-class discussions, we will challenge the results and insights from your presentations and written work.

How to indicate the permitted use of AI-based software?
* You need to provide indication in a footnote for the corresponding sections.
*add a detailed appendix with specific "prompts" and the responses from the text generation software.

What will your initial steps be for any suspected cases of unauthorized use of AI-based software?
* Note that in case of suspicious cases, we will set up an additional individual oral audit interview with the student.

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Anmeldung über LPIS


Please log in with your WU account to use all functionalities of read!t. For off-campus access to our licensed electronic resources, remember to activate your VPN connection connection. In case you encounter any technical problems or have questions regarding read!t, please feel free to contact the library at

Availability of lecturer(s)

per e-mail:

Additional (blank) field
Link zu MS Teams Anleitung:
Unit details
Unit Date Contents
1 09.10.2024
  • Introductiona and overview
  • How we want to work together
  • Input: Project and project management basics
  • GW: Project experience and establishing the groups
  • Input: Project definition and stakeholder analysis
  • GW as basis for assignment 1: Selection of training projects and project stakeholder identification
  • Short presentations and feedback
  • Assignments 1 + 2

2 10.10.2024
  • Introduction
  • Presentations Assignment 2: Stakeholder analysis
  • Feedback
  • Input: Objects of consideration, project objective plan, SMART rule
  • GW for assignment 3: Objects of consideration, project objective plan
  • Feedback
  • Assignments 3 + 4
3 14.10.2024
  • Presentations assignment 4: Project management standards
  • Feedback
  • Input; Work breakdown structure and scheduling
  • GW for assignment 5: Work breakdown structure
  • Feedback
  • Assignments 5 + 6
4 21.10.2024
  • Presentation assignment 5
  • Feedback
  • Presentation assignment 6
  • Input: Strategy, structure and value
  • Input: Role of project manager and project management career
  • Assignment 7
5 04.11.2024
  • Presentation Assignment 7
  • Feedback
  • Explaining Assingment 8
  • Close down
6 02.12.2024
  • Submission Assignment 8: Individual Reflection Paper
  • at CANVAS by 02.12.2024 12:00

Last edited: 2024-10-03
